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ABC Hospitals   

ABC Hospitals is located near Krishna Nagar, Visakhapatnam. ABC Hospitals is located adjacent to Beach roadand and near to R.K Beach.

ABC Hospitals is well known for Orthopedic treatment and Orthpedic Surgeries.

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ABC Hospital

ABC Hospitals address

ABC Hospitals
Door No.16-1-13,
Opposite Naval Coastal Battery,
Maharani Peta,
Andhra Pradesh 530002

ABC Hospitals phone number

0891 2500069

ABC Hospitals website



ABC Hospitals Timings

Round the clock

Way to ABC Hospitals

ABC Hospitals visakhapatnam, ABC Hospitals vizag, Contact number of ABC Hospitals, Phone number of ABC Hospitals, Addrees of ABC Hospitals, ABC Hospitals address, ABC Hospitals contact number, ABC Hospitals phone number, ABC Hospitals timings, ABC Hospitals website, way to ABC Hospitals, Hospitals near RK Beach.