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Visakhapatnam history  

Visakhapatnam history or Vizag history.

History of Visakhapatnam.

From a tiny little fishing village in the previous century, Vizag as part of the coastal Andhra region came under French control in the late 18th century; the Dutch had established a colony in the early part of the 18th century. The English on establishing the Raj developed Waltair as a sister town of Vizag in the Madras Presidency. The city was the largest city at the time of Indian Independence and was divided into three manageable districts.


Industrial Revolution. The city got its first shipyard in 1949, the Hindustan Shipyards. The petroleum refinery was setup in the late fifties by Caltex, later taken over by Hindustan Petroleum. The saga of progress never stopped and the steel plant was established in the early eighties. Vizag has emerged into an industrial hub and has seen tremendous growth since India's economic liberalization in the early 1990s. Fortunately, the city has not seen the urban sprawl that characterizes many older Indian cities. The plans of 1200 acre SEZ and the first crude reserve of the country are already in the pipeline. This ancient city with the beauty of a Sakhi and the piety of the temples has indeed come a long way into becoming the industrial hub of the State of Andhra Prade


While the airport is relatively small, activity has picked up with the entry of new airlines. Vizag Airport has recently received permission to operate night flights, and recently finished the constructing of 10000-foot long runway to accommodate international flights and larger aircraft.

The city's growth has mostly been due to its heavy industries (both state owned and private) such as...HPCL – Oil Refinery (Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited) Vizag Steel Plant (Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited (RINL)) Hindustan Zinc Limited Bharat Heavy Plate and Vessels Ltd (BHPV). Hindustan Shipyard Limited Coramandel Fertilizers


Its traditional importance in ship building is confirmed by the fact that India's first ship, the "Jala Usha" was launched in Vizag.


Vizag is also one of India's main fishing ports, has a dedicated harbour for the fishing industry and handles a large percentage of India's seafood exports.

Visakhapatnam Before British, Vizag before British, Visakhapatnam during British Raj, Vizag during British Raj, Visakhapatnam after British, Vizag after British.