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Sharada theatre  

Sharada Theatre is located near Sharada Junction.

To know the present movie in Sharada Theatre or to book tickets online, please click on undermentioned links.

Sharada Theatre address

Sharada Theatre
Sharada Junction,
Andhra Pradesh 530020

Sharada theatre phone number


present movie in Sharada Theatre

To book tickets for the current movie in Sharada Theatre visakhapatnam, click on the below icons provided
present movie in Kinnera Theatre
present playing movie in Kinnera Theatre


Sharada Theatre Timings

Sharada Theatre show timings :

Morning Show timings : 11:00am
Matinee Show timings : 02:00pm
First Show timings       : 06:15pm
Second Show timings : 09:30pm

Way to 4 Seasons :

Sharada theatre visakhapatnam, Sharada theatre vizag, Contact number of Sharada theatre, Phone number of Sharada theatre, Addrees of Sharada theatre, Sharada theatre address, Sharada theatre contact number, Sharada theatre phone number, Sharada theatre timings, Sharada theatre website, way to Sharada theatre.